Hat cost is $185 + $35 for possible stampede strings.
50% down at time of order = $92.50
Last 50% $92.50 + cost of stampede strings $35 (should we decide to use them) - due at time of shipment.
Vegan felt wide brim ivory hat with scooped brim edge. Distressed, burned, and hand painted. Style to be very similar to the “Nuetrals Pack A Punch” hat. Instead of the wide piece of leather on the crown, install leather with an “x” pattern. Stampede strings are being ordered and will be held up to the hat and reviewed before installed to make sure the look is what the client likes.
Hat is one size fits most. There are ribbons on the inside that can be utilized to make your new hat fit a bit more snug if needed.
Hat comes with a hat box for ease of storage.